Nail hidden health hazards

Nail hidden health hazards Increasingly popular nail art, so that the United States and MM are put it down. Miss Yi who does administrative work at a large liquor company in Zhangzhou City is no exception. She often goes to nail salons of all kinds of large, medium, and small companies to do nail art. The expert appeals: Although nail art is beautiful, behind this kind of beauty is hidden a huge health hazard. For the sake of health, let's let our nails "run naked"!

According to reports, the surface of the nail has a layer of material like the glaze of the teeth, which protects our nails from being corroded by acids or alkaline substances. However, in the nail art process, the nail surface layer will be knocked off and the nail matrix will lose its protective layer and lose its resistance. Therefore, nail art often causes the nails to break easily and the color is yellow and black, which seriously affects the health of nails.

In addition, the health problems of nail tools are also a major health risk. In places where various underground shopping malls, night markets and other nail shops are relatively concentrated in Luzhou City, there are often more than a dozen small shops on the 100 square meters of aisles. Nail workers in these small nail salons generally do not have nail industry qualification certificates. Nail products provided to customers are also often unqualified. The nail tools such as towels, tweezers and scissors used by them are even less likely to be “one customer and one customer”. For a disinfectant, these make nails very easy to catch diseases such as handcuffs, onychomycosis, paronychia, and hepatitis.

Nail polish contains a variety of carcinogens. There is a chemical called phthalate ester in the nail polish, and its content is very high. It mainly plays a softening effect. This substance will enter the body through the respiratory system and skin, if too much use if used too much, it will increase the chance of breast cancer in women with adenocarcinoma;; some unqualified nail polish even with disqualified pigment some unqualified nails The oil even uses a banned pigment, which contains a large amount of fluorescent agents that may be carcinogenic to the fluorescent agent;; a longer-used surface polishing agent in the nail art process, a longer-lasting surface polishing agent used in nail art, and nails Enhancers and other nail enhancers, etc., also contain a lot of lead, arsenic, mercury, benzene and other heavy metals toxic substances such as benzene and other heavy metal toxic substances. .

In addition, because nails can easily absorb foreign substances, long-term use of these toxic nail polishes can cause chronic poisoning and even cancer. With regard to these, nearly 90% of nail polish has no label on it for packaging and labelling.

Grafting nails may produce mold. Grafting crystal nails is very popular nowadays. The principle is to add another paragraph to the original nails, and then use the three-dimensional three-dimensional mosaic in a way to “encrust”.

It is known that the texture of crystal powder is good or bad. If the crystal powder with poor air permeability is used, if the technique of manicurist is not very skilled, the bubbles and voids formed on the nails will evolve into a hotbed of bacteria. Therefore, after a period of grafting crystal armor, the consumer's fingernails are easily inflamed, ranging from itching, redness and swelling, and even mildew.

Maternal nails can cause miscarriage and teratogenic Nail polishes commonly contain a substance called "phthalate ester," which is likely to cause fetal malformations and abortions.

Phthalates are colorless, odorless, oily liquids with good volatility that make the nail polish more uniform and durable. It can enter the body through the skin, respiratory tract and digestive tract, accumulate in fat tissue and is not easily excreted. If the residual concentration of this substance in the human body is high, it will harm the liver, kidney, cardiovascular and reproductive systems and affect the human endocrine function. If pregnant women have long-term manicures, long-term exposure to such substances can cause fetal miscarriage, fetal genital malformations and other serious consequences.

How Aided Armor Protects Our Fingernails Weapons are gentle when we wash our hands, avoid brushing our nails with stiff bristles or bruising hard objects with our nails;

When taking care of hand products, care should also be given to the skin around the nails.

Usually, you can often massage your fingers to strengthen the blood circulation so that the blood can flow to your hands and your nail bed so that it can restore its healthy glow.

Try to wear rubber gloves when doing household chores to avoid chemical damage to the nails; do not bite your nails; try not to stick false nails.

How to use nail polish correctly, do not use the goods, because of its low price, it often contains a lot of toxic substances;

Before applying nail polish and removing nail polish, it is best to apply a layer of nail maintenance oil that can prevent pigmentation on the nails. For nails with deposition phenomenon, let it fall off automatically. This is the best treatment method. ;

When nail polish is applied, it is best to paint only the upper part of the nail, not the white part of the half moon, for the nail to breathe;

After applying nail polish, it is forbidden to touch the food by hand, especially oily foods such as fritters and cakes;

Keep nails at least one day off within one week and stop using any nail supplies;

From the beginning of pregnancy to the end of the nursing period, you should completely stop using any nail supplies.


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