Exposure: Apple Leader Steve Jobs "Jane" Luxury Home Interiors

In an embarrassment and surprise, Steve Jobs, the founder and top decision maker of Apple’s Legendary Partnership, resigned as CEO of the company on September 24. In a written statement, Apple announced that Tim Cook, the chief operating officer of the company, will take over as CEO and Steve Jobs will remain chairman of the company's board of directors.

Speaking of Steve Jobs's "luxury house", in fact it is very historic. The mansion was built in 1925 and has a history of 84 years. Located in Woodside, one of California's wealthiest towns, it occupies 17,250 square feet and is a product of the Spanish colonial era. The owner was then the famous celebrity Daniel Cowan Jackling.

In 1984, Apple CEO Steve Jobs bought the mansion with 30 rooms, 14 bedrooms, and of course a large living room. However, this mansion is now dilapidated and has been unoccupied for the past 10 years. It has been another reason for the old age. Jobs hopes to flatten the house and rebuild a more modern small mansion. However, opponents believe that this house is a cultural relic and has various values. It cannot be demolished. Imagine Bill Gates' own modern mansion, and then look at this dilapidated house. Steve Jobs is really a bit depressing. What makes him uncomfortable, of course, is that he can't tear down his house.

Star Home Improvement Company Villa Design House Room Small Bedroom

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