Fruit tree summer spray should pay attention to matters

1. It is necessary to strictly control the concentration of the drug according to the pesticide instructions. The growth period of fruit trees is sensitive to the reaction of pesticides. If the concentration is too large, it is easy to cause phytotoxicity. If the concentration is too small, the control effect on pests and diseases will be reduced. Therefore, the compounding concentration of the agents should be strictly controlled.
2. Master the spraying time. The correct spraying time should be before 10 am or after 4 pm.
3, spray must be even and meticulous. In summer, the branches of the fruit are luxuriant, which makes the various pests have strong concealment. This requires that the spray must be even and thoughtful, the fog should not be too large, and the fruit and the leaves should be fully coated on both sides, and according to the living habits of the pest, Focus on spraying and controlling the concentrated habitat.
4. According to the sensitivity of fruit trees to various pesticides, it is reasonable to determine the type and concentration of the drugs. For example, Bordeaux mixture is often used on apples, pears and grapes, but it is sensitive to peach trees and generally cannot be used.
5, scientific rotation of drugs and mixed drugs, and add special effects king in the drug solution to improve the effect of medication, to avoid the continuous use of the same agent to make pests resistant. At the same time, it can also avoid the summer rain and loss of efficacy.
Huaxian County Yuexiu Li
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