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Snowmelt agent is mainly divided into two categories, one kind is potassium acetate as the main composition of organic snowmelt agent, although this kind of snow melt agent snowmelt effect is good, no corrosion damage, but its price is too high, generally only applies to the airport and other places. The other group is chlorinated salt, including Sodium Chloride, Calcium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride, potassium chloride, etc., which is known as' ice salt '. Its advantages are cheap, and the price is only about a tenth of that of organic snowmelt, but its corrosion of large public infrastructure is serious.
There are two chlorine salt snow removal effect of snowmelt agent, in addition to dissolved salts in the absorption of heat, is another role of brine freezing point is lower, so again to dissolve the salt in the water after it will be difficult to ice formation, thus is advantageous to the row of snow.
When the snow melts in water, the concentration of ions in the water rises, causing the vapor pressure of the water vapor to drop, but the solid vapor pressure of the ice remains unchanged. The ice melts in order to achieve the state of water mixing and solid vapor pressure. This principle also explains why salt water is not easy to freeze.

Eco-Friendly Deicers

Eco-Friendly Deicers,Free-Flowing Eco-Friendly Deicer,Friendly Deicer,Friendly Ice Melt

Weifang Xinchang Chemical Co.,Ltd ,