Buying Sinks and Odor in Summer Says ByeBye

The sink is an essential cleaning product for the whole cabinet. However, the problem of cleaning the cleaning product itself is an annoyance to many people. Because of the constant contact with water and oil, many water tanks are no longer bright and dirty, and poor quality is also rusted. No longer is it a bad smell coming back from the sewer. It's just annoying. So how to choose a good sink is one of the keys to clean the cabinet, and a good sink has three hard standards.

Brand shop: Olean sink

Standard One: Good Water Doesn't Return

The hot weather in summer and the smell of sewer return are a very bad thing. Storing some water in the sink can block the odor. For a long time, the sink can easily rust and affect the appearance. This is not a long-term solution.

Standard equipment: steel ball positioning, S bend water pipe

Ball positioning is the key to sink drains. The positioning of the ball is of good quality, which can quickly eliminate the sewage and prevent the odor from returning. The downpipe is another key to the anti-odor return of the sink. Designing the sewage pipe in an S-shape can reduce the backwater odor. With special sterilization process is even more perfect.

Standard II: Good steel does not hang oil

In order to make the sink clean, many people are accustomed to using steel balls to brush. The sink is temporarily clean, but in this case, the sink is actually getting dirty faster. Because of the easy-to-scale sink, the quality of the steel is not good at all, and it is easier to hang the dirt with a wire ball.

Standard equipment: 304 steel plate

The best steel plate for making sinks is 304 steel plate. This steel plate is the most suitable for kitchen use regardless of hardness and abrasion resistance. The steel surface is particularly smooth, with no oil, no dirt, and no need to clean the pot balls. A rag is enough.

Standard 3: Good Coating Does Not Return

Many people think that the sinks are of the right size, easy to clean, and not worth returning, but they have just overlooked a very important place, that is, the moisture resistance of the sink. Most of them are now embedded sinks. If the sink is not moisture-proof, it can easily cause damage to the cabinets. It can also cause mold and health hazards over time. So do not ignore the moisture resistance of the sink.

Standard configuration: moisture-proof coating

Although the sink is made of stainless steel, it will not seep through, but water vapor condensation will easily occur on the outer wall of the sink. These vapors pose a great threat to the cabinet, especially in the summer. Applying a special coating on the outside of the sink not only absorbs water vapor, but also reduces the noise generated by the collision of the water with the sink during washing.

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