Which fertilizers and vegetables should not be applied

Some chemical fertilizers can improve the quality and yield of vegetables, but some fertilizers can increase the yield of vegetables, but they also cause pollution to vegetables, which in turn causes harm to the human body.

Ammonium nitrate and other nitrate nitrogen fertilizers are generally not suitable for application to vegetables. When the nitrate nitrogen fertilizer is applied to the vegetable field, the nitrate content in the vegetable is doubled. The nitrate is easily reduced to nitrite in the human body, and the nitrite is a highly toxic substance, which is extremely harmful to the human body. .

Chloride-containing fertilizers such as ammonium chloride and potassium chloride are not suitable for application to tomatoes and potatoes. After the chlorinated fertilizer is decomposed in the soil, ammonium ions or potassium ions are adsorbed by the soil or absorbed by the vegetables, so that the concentration of chloride ions in the soil gradually increases. When the concentration of chloride ions reaches a certain level, it will have a toxic effect on vegetable roots.

Leafy vegetables should be sprayed with nitrogen fertilizer on the foliage. Foliar application of nitrogen fertilizer, ammonium ions are easily converted into acid ions after contact with air by the leaves, because the growth period of leafy vegetables is short, nitrate is easy to accumulate in the leaves. Therefore, avoid spraying nitrogen fertilizer on the leaf surface of leafy vegetables.

The application of micro-fertilizer can promote high-quality and high-yield vegetables, but the demand for trace elements in vegetables is extremely low. Excessive application of micro-fertilizer will not only cause waste, but also cause toxic effects on plants. When applying micro-fertilizer, the amount of ferrous sulfate per acre should not exceed 3.25 kg, the amount of manganese sulfate and manganese chloride per month should not exceed 2.05 kg, and the amount of copper sulfate per acre should not exceed 2 kg, borax, boric acid The amount per acre should not exceed 1.25 kg.
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