Reasonable close planting of soybeans can increase production

The harvest of summer grain is coming to an end and the autumn grain crop is about to be planted. Relevant experts from the national soybean industry technology system remind everyone that planting soybeans to increase production requires a high degree of attention, especially in the Huang-Huai-Hai area. Experts told the author that the Huanghuaihai area is the main producing area of ​​China's soybeans, especially high-protein soybeans. This year, due to the early harvest of rapeseed and wheat, the sowing date is relatively loose, providing a favorable time for soybeans. In addition, most of the recent Huanghuaihai has sufficient rainfall and good sensation, which is suitable for rushing and sowing. However, due to the rapid increase in temperature and the large amount of surface transpiration, some areas should be prepared for drought-resistant planting.

Experts said that in terms of varieties, we should choose the best soybean varieties suitable for planting in this region, among which Zhonghuang 13, Qidou 24, Cowpea 28, 阜9765, Yanke 928, Xudou 15, Huaidou No. 10, Guandou No. 2 , Bean 19, Zhoudou 12, Zheng 92116, Zheng 196, Zheng 9805, Zheng 9525, Qi Huang 31, Hedou 12, Hedou 15 , Luning No. 1, Zhonghuang 22, Zhonghuang 24, Zhonghuang 41 Varieties such as Zhonghuang 42, Wuxing No. 1, Qidou 12, Qihuang 13, Kidney Bean 17, Kidney Bean No. 5, Kidney Bean No. 6, Kidney Bean No. 5 and Kidney Bean 56 are preferred. It is especially reminded that the germination test should be carried out early for the farmers to exchange and retain the seeds themselves, and the seeds with low germination rate should be appropriately increased.

The low-lying soybean fields are prone to internal hemorrhoids, resulting in soil water saturation, lack of oxygen, weakened root absorption, and poor soil microbial activity, which affects soybean growth. Experts suggest: Before planting, we must dig up the bean field drainage ditch to achieve dry irrigation and sputum discharge. At the same time, pay attention to the rotation of the crop to prevent the damage and spread of soybean cyst nematode. Before seeding, 50% carbendazim, 50% methyl thiophanate and other fungicides were used for seed dressing, and ammonium molybdate can be added during seed dressing to increase soybean emergence rate and nitrogen fixation capacity.

Soybean sowing should be as early as possible. In addition, it should be combined with mechanical sowing and deep application of seed fertilizer. Pay attention to the separation of seeds from fertilizer. The application of fertilizer should be 10 cm or less. Generally, 20 kg of soybean special compound fertilizer or 10-20 kg of diammonium phosphate should be applied per mu. . For the plots that are sown and sown, combined with cultivating and smashing sorghum, 3,000 to 4,000 kilograms of high-quality farmyard manure will be added per mu.

The key technology for soybean yield increase is rational close planting, especially for early maturing varieties, which should be properly planted. Experts pointed out that on the basis of ensuring the germination rate and the number of emergencies, precision sowing, mechanical sowing or small-area artificial precision on-demand should be adopted.

Soybean is a critical period of management before seeding, and experts recommend using chemical herbicides to seal the soil to control weeds. However, the use of herbicides should be strictly in accordance with the instructions for the administration of the drug to prevent excessive phytotoxicity. In areas where soil moisture is poor, it is necessary to rush to sow seeds. When there is a shortage of seedlings, it is necessary to replenish seeds and replenish water in time. Summer soybean seedlings in the Huang-Huai-Hai area often suffer from natural disasters such as drought, hail and locust disasters. Corresponding management measures should be taken for different disasters. When drought occurs, in addition to taking active irrigation measures, it is also possible to take measures such as cultivating and covering crop stalks to improve soil water use efficiency. In the event of a disaster, the rotten leaves should be quickly cleaned up, and the quick-acting fertilizer should be applied to promote the rapid recovery of the seedlings. In the event of a disaster, in addition to timely drainage, measures such as ploughing, quick-acting fertilizer, and planting ash may be adopted to reduce the degree of damage. When the disaster is severe and there is a shortage of seedlings and ridges, early-maturing soybean varieties or other crops with short growth periods should be replanted as soon as possible. (smile)

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