Greenhouse vegetables should be formulated and fertilized

1. Cucumber generally produces 6,000 kg of pure nitrogen, 1.5 kg of phosphorus pentoxide, and 3.5 kg of potassium oxide. According to the calculation of 5000-7000 kg per mu of greenhouse, 13 to 19.5 kg of pure nitrogen and 1.5 kg of phosphorus pentoxide are required. Potassium oxide 3.5 kg. Before the cucumber is planted, it should be used as the base fertilizer for 5,000 to 7500 kilograms of high-quality organic fertilizer and 15 to 20 kilograms of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. After planting, every 1 to 10 days, the fertilizer should be chased once and combined with watering. The whole fertilizer should be applied 8-10 times during the growth period of the cucumber. About 5 kg of urea should be applied per mu in the seedling period. About 10 kg of urea + moderate amount of potassium fertilizer should be applied per mu in the melon period. At the same time, it can also be 0.3% chemical fertilizer concentration and pesticide or spray. Shibao, Zenggualing, Fengguo and other growth hormones are mixed for foliar application.

2. Tomato production of 1000 kg of tomato requires 3.85 kg of pure nitrogen, 1.2 kg of phosphorus pentoxide, and 4.4 kg of potassium oxide. According to the calculation of 5000 kg per mu, 5000 kg of high-quality farmyard manure and 50 kg of phosphate fertilizer should be applied before planting. When the first ear is swollen to the size of egg yolk, the first top dressing should be carried out. The fertilizer should be applied with 18-20 kg of nitrogen fertilizer, 15-16 kg of phosphate fertilizer, and 16-17 kg of potassium fertilizer. The second, third and fourth ear fruits are swollen to egg yolk. In large hours, the fertilizer should be applied in time and in a timely manner. At this time, the amount of fertilizer needed should be large, and the amount of topdressing should be increased appropriately. Each top dressing should be combined with watering. It is also possible to use a 0.3% chemical fertilizer combined with a disease-preventing drug for foliar application, or a mixture of sitting fruit and fruit.

Third, pepper, whether it is big sweet pepper or small pepper, generally produce 1000 kg of pure nitrogen 5.2 kg, phosphorus pentoxide 1.2 kg, potassium oxide 6.5 kg. Before planting, 5,000 kilograms of high-quality farmyard manure and 50 kilograms of phosphate fertilizer were used as base fertilizer. In the early stage of root pepper expansion, the first top dressing should be started to promote fruit enlargement. The application of nitrogen fertilizer is 15-18 kg, the phosphate fertilizer is 18-20 kg, and the potassium fertilizer is 15-17 kg. The second layer, the third layer, the fourth layer of fruit, and the full amount of fertilizer need to increase gradually, and the amount of fertilizer should be increased in an appropriate amount to meet the nutrients required for the peak period. Each time the top dressing should be combined with soil and watering. Anti-insect and anti-disease drugs can also be mixed with 0.3% of chemical fertilizer concentration, Fengguo, Chiling, etc. for foliar application.
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